When should I get a Japanese knotweed Survey?
By The JKL Team

When should I get a Japanese knotweed Survey?

Question: When should I get a Japanese knotweed Survey?

Answer: Consider a Japanese Knotweed Survey if you suspect its presence on your property, during property transactions, before construction projects, or if notified of its presence nearby.

A Closer Look: 

A Japanese Knotweed Survey should be considered under several circumstances to ensure timely identification and management of this invasive species. If you suspect the presence of Japanese Knotweed on your property, whether through visible signs or reported sightings nearby, a survey can confirm its presence and extent. Early detection is crucial for effective control and prevention of further spread.

Additionally, a Japanese Knotweed Survey is essential during property transactions. Many lenders and insurers require a survey to assess the risk posed by Knotweed before approving mortgages or insurance policies. It is also advisable to conduct a survey before starting construction projects, as Knotweed can cause significant structural damage and delays. Notifying local authorities or neighbors of Knotweed sightings nearby also warrants a survey to assess potential risks and take appropriate measure

To find out more about our knotweed solutions speak to the team.

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